When I talked to the physiotherapist Pavel Kolář about wanting to train properly, he warned me not to push my body too hard. Naturally, I didn't listen. I went for a run-not the sprints I used to do, but just a normal run with weights on my ankles-and that's when I tore my hamstring.
That happened about five days ago. Pavel said it would be three to six weeks, so we'll see how it heals. I'm mostly frustrated with myself because I had been preparing well, dropped some weight, and felt good on the ice. Now I have to start over. But I'm determined to keep going. The next day, I did exercises that didn't cause pain. Skating, however, is crucial, and I won't be on the ice for a bit. Maybe it won't be that long-who knows? Walking doesn't hurt at least. I'm curious what Pavel will say when we meet again.