The incident occurred on Friday night during a game between Morgan Academy and Southern Academy in Selma, Alabama. Caden, a junior at Morgan Academy, sustained a critical brain injury after being tackled in the third quarter. He was quickly transported to the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital, but sadly, he did not survive.
Caden's family shared the devastating news on social media, expressing their deep sorrow and gratitude for the support they've received.
«We are deeply saddened to announce that our beloved Caden Tellier has passed away,» they posted on Facebook. «We are grateful for your prayers and ask for continued support during this difficult time. Caden's life was a testament to kindness and generosity, and his legacy will continue to touch lives even in his passing. His life has made a difference, and now, his donation will save lives.»
Michael McClendon, the Executive Director of the Alabama Independent School Association, reported that Caden appeared to have suffered a ruptured blood vessel in his brain following what seemed to be a routine play. The full details of the incident are still under investigation.
Morgan Academy remembered Caden as a "bright light" in their school community, stating that his memory and impact will never be forgotten. In light of this tragedy, the school has canceled all sports activities for the upcoming week, including the team's next game.
«The grief we feel is beyond words,» the statement read. «Caden's memory will forever remain with us, and his impact on Morgan Academy will never be forgotten.»
Our deepest condolences go out to the Tellier family during this incredibly difficult time.