Cole Caufield's off-ice behavior sparks controversy in Montreal

Samer Dagher
April 5, 2024  (4:41 PM)

Montreal Canadiens star forward Cole Caufield
Photo credit: RDS

Canadiens star forward Cole Caufield is under scrutiny for his off-ice behavior in Montreal and a journalist has addressed the situation.

There's been quite a stir on BPM Sports with Renaud Lavoie's recent outburst regarding Cole Caufield. Lavoie lost his cool over rumors about Caufield's nightlife activities in Montreal.
Despite being a standout athlete and dedicated professional, Caufield's frequent appearances at certain bars and restaurants in Montreal have sparked discussion. Some have unfairly linked his "bad season" to his alleged "bad lifestyle habits."
Approaching this cautiously, Lavoie delivered a stern message regarding the rumors surrounding Caufield. He vehemently denounced the speculation, calling it "complete bull****."
«I apologize for the term, and I'll avoid swearing, but it's bullshit, it's complete bullshit.»

«Cole Caufield, to me, is a young hockey player who behaves like a professional. I've never seen Cole Caufield and thought he had a tough night the day before.»

«Even yesterday, Cole Caufield didn't participate in the morning practice, but he was (as usual) at the edge of the ice, with a smile, cheering on his teammates, attentive to what's happening on the ice, and with an exemplary attitude.»

«Come on! This witch hunt... Are you okay? The life of hockey players today, in 2024, is a lot more boring than it was 15-20 years ago.» - Renaud Lavoie

Lavoie emphasized that Caufield conducts himself like a true professional, citing his exemplary attitude and commitment to the team, even on days when he doesn't participate in practice.
The journalist argued against the witch hunt, highlighting that today's hockey players lead far less extravagant lives than in the past.
I completely agree with Lavoie's defense of Caufield. It's perfectly acceptable for players to enjoy themselves responsibly, and Caufield exemplifies this balance.
If players are denied the opportunity to relax and enjoy themselves in Montreal, it could deter them from wanting to play for the team long-term.
It's time to be fair and give players the space they need to live their lives outside of hockey.

As seen on markerzone
Canadiens reporter addresses rumours of Cole Caufield's bad behaviour
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Cole Caufield's off-ice behavior sparks controversy in Montreal

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