Flyers Defenseman Shares His True Thoughts About John Tortorella

Graham Montgomery
December 17, 2023  (10:12 PM)

Photo credit: Sporting News

The Philadelphia Flyers have been one of the most surprising teams in the NHL this season. Many expected them to be at the bottom of the standings but as we creep up on the half-way point of the season, the team is still in 2nd place. Now some of the Flyers players are crediting their coach for their success.

Ristolainen Credits Tortorella For Personal Improvements In His Game

Flyers defenseman Rasmus Ristolainen noted yesterday how much he appreciates Tortorella as a coach. It sounds like he actually believes he would be a better player had he been coached by Torts from the start of his NHL career.
Rasmus Ristolainen on John Tortorella:

"I wish I had him when I was 18 coming in the league. I feel like I've taken big steps under him."


While most fans probably think of Tortorella and remember all the times he laid into his players for poor performances, he will credit his players when credit is due. In the case for Ristolainen, Tortorella had some nice things to say about him as well.
John Tortorella on Rasmus Ristolainen:

"Outstanding. Sanny's out, and we move him up. He's been impressive because he's missed a lot of hockey (Injury). I look at Erss (Ersson) and him and they just keep getting better and better."


Tortorella Has Flyers Looking Like One Of The Best Teams In The NHL

Tortorella is without a doubt one of the most controversial coaches in the NHL. However, it is hard to argue with his results. Torts has consistently gotten the most out of his players, including his current Flyers team that is currently exceeding expectations by quite a lot.
Whether you like John Tortorella or not, for various reasons. No one can deny he gets the most out of his players. He has this Flyers team absolutely flying and firing on all cylinders

Tortorella is one hell of a coach, and a darn good one for the orange and black


The Flyers are currently 11th in the NHL in points, but they are within one point of tying many teams which currently have 38 points to the Flyers' 37. They are also in second place in their division ahead of teams like the Carolina Hurricanes and the New Jersey Devils, two teams expected to go on long playoff runs this year.
The Philadelphia Flyers are back

At this point is almost seems like the Flyers might actually be buyers at the trade deadline as opposed to sellers. The team will have to prove that they can play at this level until the deadline though if management it going to invest in them since they were not expected to be this good.
As seen on Ristolainen shares his unfiltered thoughts on John Tortorella.
Flyers Defenseman Shares His True Thoughts About John Tortorella

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