Tie Domi sounds off on Georges Laraque over his Ryan Reaves comments

Graham Montgomery
April 8, 2024  (7:10 PM)

Toronto Maple Leafs forward Ryan Reaves celebrating a goal
Photo credit: Sportsnet

Yesterday, former Canadiens enforcer Georges Laraque made some comments about Leafs enforcer Ryan Reaves. Today, former Leafs enforcer Tie Domi responded, clapping back with comments of his own.

Laraque's comments stem not from Saturday's game, but actually from the first game of the season when the Canadiens also faced the Leafs. The former Hab seems to be of the mind that Reaves was much more effective in last Saturday's game because of the fact that Arber Xhekaj was not in the lineup. As a result. Michael Pezzetta had to be the one that fought Reaves.
Just so you know, ill explain something to you plain and simple. When you play your first game in Toronto after signing a 3 year deal, in front of your fans, you play rival team like Montreal. You're supposed to be the #1 heavyweight in the NHL, when a guy makes you look bad in a fight, because Xhekaj did made him look bad, you go again, not the next game, the same game. Xhekaj has nothing to prove!

That being said, Laraque was a big fan of Pezzetta going toe-to-tow with Reaves even if he came out of it on the worse end of things. He emphasized his willingness to fight anyone as a key asset to the team.
By the way, you have to love Pezz, he doesn't pick his spot, despite size difference, he goes toe to toe with anyone, if everyone in the Habs lineup played with his heart, the team would do much better!

Domi responded by noting that Reaves' response on Saturday was justified based on the hit Pezzetta made on David Kampf earlier in the game. He says that Laraque would have responded the exact same way if he was still playing. TO be fair, Domi has a point here as both himself and Laraque were known for standing up for their teammates, one of the qualities Ryan Reaves has as well.
@GeorgesLaraque you know you would have done the same thing if someone hit one of your teammates like Pezzetta on Kampf. Reavo is playing great & getting ready for the playoffs he didn't want to fight but he had too George I love ya brotherhood always sticks together💪💪🏽❤️

Source: HockeyPatrol
Tie Domi claps back at Georges Laraque over the Ryan Reaves comments
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Tie Domi sounds off on Georges Laraque over his Ryan Reaves comments

Do you think Ryan Reaves makes the Leafs a better team when he is in the lineup. or worse?

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Worse3645 %
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